Friday, March 23, 2012

Knot Now

She adjusted his bow tie. When she finished, they both looked up into the mirror . Her lips slowly pulled together a smile. And in his ear he heard the phrase “ This is your night” This was Mathew Poeher’s first solo concert . They soon arrived at the opera house where he would be performing. Backstage, Mathew peaks his head through the crimson red curtains to find his wife sitting readily and attentive, who had aided him with anything and everything all in preparation for this night. She was placed in the semi-right of the forth row in the house seats. “ She deserves a better seat than that. She deserves better than this!”, he thought to himself. This show was no longer for Mathew, it  instead was for his wife. The crowd was packed; not an empty seat, and from the eager looks on their faces, Mathew knew her should head out. The lights began to dim after he gave his cue. You can see a young couple seven seats down from where Mathew’s wife was sitting. The two were so frantic. “He was just here.”, the husband said. The wife’s cry “Jonathan, Jonathan” drawled most of the surrounding people’s attention. The couple didn’t want to be rude so they sat back in their seats Suddenly, the spotlight slowly makes it way to the stage, and as the curtains pull open you find little Jonathan plopped upon the bench in front of the piano, playing on the keys. Mathew saw the young boy as he was walking out. At first, he was shocked; what was he to do? This was how his big night was supposed to start? The he flashed-back to a memory of a memory of his grandfather teaching him how to play piano every Sunday since he was a young boy. He was the reason for Mathew being the great musician that he is today. Mathew continued out onto the the stage and perched next to the little boy. The couple sitting there, afraid as to how he might react or what he might say. “ Keep on playing”, Mathew says to the little boy. Little Jonathan continues on in his rendition of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” and Mathew plays around the boy. It sounds lovely and everyone is enjoying themselves. When it is finished, the entire audience rises from their seats and applauds. And Mathew looks up to see the overwhelmed joy on his wife’s and Little Jonathan’s parents’ faces.

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